The State of Corporate Financial Planning 2024
In this years edition of The State of Corporate Financial Planning you'll learn more about:
- How other companies succeed - and fail - in their financial planning
- The importance of working with automation and predictive forecasting
- How to increase ownership and engagement in the business
- Current trends that will affect the future of financial planning
Download the report to learn more data points and trends
About the report
The State of Corporate Financial Planning illustrerar hur man som företag och finance-avdelning har anpassat sig efter de förändrade omvärldskraven, hur man skapar en grund för bättre beslutsfattande samt hur företag lyckas – och misslyckas – med sina finansiella planerings processer, men också hur framtiden för finansiell planering ser ut.
The purpose of the report is to provide the finance department of Swedish companies with the data points and knowledge required to optimise their financial planning processes for the future.